

Try these practices when you want to feel calm, centered, and peaceful, regardless of what's happening all around you.

We live in challenging times. Here is a simple practice from Zen Buddhist Master, Thich Nhat Hanh, for coping with the whirlwind of emotions.

Savoring the beauty, wonder, and deliciousness of life is a portal into a more clear and awake awareness, and into bliss.


"My mind is too busy to meditate" and other common obstacles. Learn what has helped others overcome the common obstacles to meditating.

The physical practice of yoga offers many people their first experiences of meditative states. As we rest in the breath or in sensation, our attention naturally turns inside.

Presence / Mindfulness

Truth And Beauty

When we become meditators, we may discover a deeper dimension of experience that is often best expressed by poets and artists.

  Coming soon… Painting by Dusty Knight at

The Physical Practice of Yoga

We live in challenging times. Here is a simple practice from Zen Buddhist Master, Thich Nhat Hanh, for coping with the whirlwind of emotions.

The physical practice of yoga offers many people their first experiences of meditative states. As we rest in the breath or in sensation, our attention naturally turns inside.


"I'm stuck in an elevator with a copy of Lion's Roar magazine. Pema Chodron graces the cover, with: "How to appreciate your life—JUST AS IT IS."

Karma means you don't get away with anything. Read Jung's story about a woman who murdered her best friend so she could marry her husband.

In Yoga we withdraw our senses to rest in a core of Self. In Tantra we are aware that the energy in any emotion or sensory experience can be a portal into expanded states of awareness.