Private Yoga Sessions

I love your yoga space! It has your warm, happy energy.
– Lila, Artist and Teacher

The medical doctors who teach yoga as a healing modality point out it’s much more beneficial for people to do 5 minutes of the right yoga daily rather than a long group class once or twice a week.

In private sessions, we tailor sequences to meet your specific needs. We keep in mind your your physical challenges and strengths, your temperament, your availability to practice, and your personal preferences.

Private yoga sessions are ideal for those dealing with therapeutic issues such as arthritis, osteoporosis, back pain, rotator cuff injuries, cancer, multiple sclerosis, anxiety, depression, and more.

Private sessions are also great for newcomers to yoga who need to learn the basics of alignment in order to practice safely, as well as for those who want to deepen their practices.

Every time you do something, you increase the likelihood you’ll do it again.
Dr. Timothy McCall, Yoga As Medicine

I love your yoga space! It has your warm, happy energy.
– Lila, Artist and Teacher

Options for Private Yoga Sessions

Basics of Alignment Series – Four private 45-minute or 1-hour yoga sessions in which we explore lower and upper body alignment principles in a sequential way.


Recurring Monthly Series – Four sessions, once a week, for as many months as needed. When we work together over a period of time, we’re able to take a holistic approach, using yoga, meditation, the basics of self-care, and the wisdom of Yoga, to increase your well-being. Most people choose 45-minute or 60-minute sessions but when we’re working on a specific therapeutic issue, 30 minutes is ample time.


One or Two Sessions to target a specific therapeutic need. The length of the session depends on the therapeutic issue and your needs.


15-minute sessions – When targeting issues such as scoliosis or herniated discs we often focus on just one to three poses so 15 minutes can suffice.

Every time you do something, you increase the likelihood you’ll do it again.
Dr. Timothy McCall, Yoga As Medicine

“Yoga as Medicine” Methodology and Approach


  • Input session using a holistic survey and methodology developed by Dr. Timothy McCall. (Dr. McCall is a western medical doctor who also uses yoga and ayurveda as healing modalities. He is the medical editor for Yoga Journal.)


  • Written holistic assessment and recommendations.


  • Follow-up session to fine-tune and learn practices.


  • Private classes every week to keep you on track with your home practice.


Fee upon request
24 hour cancellation